Prices for tulip bulbs will go up significantly next fall season, rising as much as 50 to 100 percent. This is a direct result of several factors that have had their impact on tulip harvests and supply in recent seasons. In this interview with Timmo, dry sales & post-orders sales manager, we tell you all about this development.
Shortage due to changing weather conditions
Over the past two years, growers have had to deal with bad harvests. This was partly caused by changing weather conditions, resulting in lower yields. The reduced supply caused not only higher prices but also shortages in the market, especially for end users.
Smaller acreage, finer planted tulips and more bulbs sent to forcing
For the upcoming harvest season, the acreage of planted tulips is smaller than previous years. In addition, growers have decided to plant “finer,” which means fewer large sizes of tulip bulbs (12/+ and 14/+) will be available and that a more limited harvest can also be expected in the new season.
Another important trend is that more and more tulip bulbs are being used for forcing. “We see that the demand from forcing continues to increase, ” says Timmo. “These bulbs are being used to grow flowers and therefore do not become available for dry sales.” This creates additional pressure on availability for dry sales, which further increases prices.
Faith in the future!
Although the exact impact depends on the harvest next summer, prices are expected to rise significantly. “We expect prices to be 50-100% higher than in 2024,” Timmo said. Still, the demand for tulip bulbs remains undiminished. “Despite the price increase, we see that customers are still buying in large quantities. That gives confidence for the upcoming season.”
Here’s to a successful season!
Although it promises to be a challenging year, the request for tulip bulbs remains as high as ever. “We stay positive,” says Timmo. “If the growing season cooperates, we can still meet the demand and have a great season ahead.”